AI-driven web tools, that make website management easier

Hi there, welcome to Page Tailor, your fast-working marketing Co-Pilots making website management a seamless and innovative experience.

Select from a range of clever AI driven assistants to get key operations done for your website.

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Powerful Chat GPT Co-Pilots especiallty for web management.

Crafting compelling copy is a common challenge for many business owners. While designers and developers create the skeleton and skin of a website, the flesh – the content that gives it a voice – often gets overlooked.

Page Tailor gives you an easy shopping experience to buy web page copy, customized to your business.

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Why spend hours writing copy you can now buy in just minutes?

Crafting compelling copy is a common challenge for many business owners. While designers and developers create the skeleton and skin of a website, the flesh – the content that gives it a voice – often gets overlooked.

Page Tailor gives you an easy shopping experience to buy web page copy, customized to your business.

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Way better than messing around with Chat GPT

The process is simple: sign up at, tell the app a bit about your brand, and you'll be presented with over a hundred website page ideas ready to propel your business forward.

Purchase a page, it's like having a virtual copywriting master wordsmith available at your disposal, 24/7.

Page Tailor gives Chat GPT over 1000 words of instruction to produce heavily groomed near-perfect content. Why waste an hour trying to find the right Chat GPT command when Page Tailor has done the heavy lifting for you.  

Try Page Tailor free, no credit card. Jump on and give it a go.

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About Us

Start By Defining Your Brand Voice

Set up your brand story, Page Tailor is ready to go, and you are ready to go shopping for brilliant website copy.

Your brand story is the background information about your business. This drives the heavily curated AI commands that produce remarkable web page information. 

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brand story

Select from over 100 web page ideas

Stuck on content? Our vast library of website page ideas is the inspiration you need.

Browse the web page list, buy, and then voila, with Page Tailor, you're a click away from your perfect website copy.

The team at Page Tailor have years of building great content for websites and we use this experience to fuel your content marketing engine, ensuring there’s always something new and exciting to offer your audience.

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Get web copy that is SEO Rich, 98% ready to go.

Page Tailor can produce remarkable results without you, but the more you give the AI, the better it gets.

You are just a couple of dot points away from customized website content tailored explicitly to your brand. With Page Tailor, you get results in under a minute with minimal effort.

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Page Tailor cost

The Results - Unbelievable.

Hours has been spent refining the AI engine that creates your custom website copy. The AI responds with jaw-dropping results. The output is extraordinary. 

Page Tailor generates high-quality, brand-aligned content for your new website in the blink of an eye.

Say goodbye to the endless back-and-forth with traditional copywriting services. With Page Tailor, you're a click away from your perfect website manuscript.

Hours of work producing copy for my website has been reduced to minutes. It  was remarkable watching Page Tailor use a few input phrases to beautifully  capture my business and generate a story worth telling.  Chloe. Digital Contant Manager.  


Extra Perks to Sweeten the Deal

Imagine having a unified message across all platforms, seamlessly interwoven by a consistent brand voice.

With every piece of website copy, we offer bonus social media posts and video scripts to maximize your outreach.

These extras are the cherry on top, allowing you to extend your narrative beyond the confines of your website. 

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Easily Generate Social Media Posts

Page Tailor introduces the Social Blaster - your ultimate social media companion.

Merge creativity and strategy effortlessly to craft an online narrative that captivates and converts.

Generate high quality social posts that save you time and make it much faster to get conversion.

Discover The Social Blaster
Social Blaster

A Treasure Trove Of Content

Need help with content? Our vast library of website page ideas is the inspiration you need. Page Tailor is more than just a clever webpage copywriting machine. We've used years of website building experience to gather a remarkable range of web pages to build. 

From blog posts to landing pages, our AI uses these ideas to fuel your content marketing engine, ensuring there’s always something new and exciting to offer your audience.

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Page Tailor Shop Pages

Renovate Your Existing Content

Gone are the days when SEO was an afterthought. With Page Tailor, SEO-friendly content is a given.

Take your existing content and have the Page Renovator improve your copy, plus insert SEO rich keywords into the text. A fast and easy way to boost your online visibility

Get Started on a 14-Day Trial

Page Tailor: Your digital shop that sells website copy, powered by AI to deliver custom content that resonates, engages, and converts.